Reversible airway destruction secondary to bronchial hypersensitivity, airway inflammation, mucous plugging, and smooth muscle hypertrophy
History / PE:
Mild hypoxia and respiratory alkalosis (ABG)
Decreased FEV1/FVC
Increase in RV and total lung capacity (TLC)
Metacholine challenge tests for bronchial hyperresponsiveness
Severe asthma attack presents with normal to increased PCO2 values (should be low from tachypnea), speech difficulty, diaphoresis, AMS, cyanosis, and 'silent lungs'
< 2 days/week < 2 nights/month
FEV1 > 80 %
No daily medications
PRN short acting bronchodilator
Daily symptoms
> 1 night/week
60-80 % FEV1
Low to medium dose steroids
Long acting inhaled β2 agonists
Severe persistent Continual, frequent symptoms
< 60% FEV1
High dose steroids
Long acting inhaled β2 agonists
Possible PO steroids
PRN short acting bronchodilator