Infective endocarditis

Infective endocarditisInfective endocarditisInfective endocarditis
  • Facts:
    Infection of the endocardium
    MC affects heart valves
  • History / PE:
    Weight loss
    New onset heart murmur
  • Diagnosis:
    Duke criteria
    CBC with leukocytosis and left shift
    Increase ESR and CRP
  • Treatment:
    Early empiric ABx ( vancomycin or nafcillin+gentamicin)
  • Pneumonic:
    JR=NO FAME (presentation of endocarditis)

    J aneway lesions (painless)
    R oth's spots

    N ail-bed(splinter) hemorrhages
    O sler's nodes

    F ever
    A nemia
    M urmur
    E mboli
  • Notes:
    Prophylactic ABx to pts with previous endocarditis history or prosthetic valves (2 grams of amoxicillin)

    Streptococcus bovis endocarditis is associated with colorectal cancer (colonoscopy screening required)
  • See Also:
    Acute endocarditis (high grade fever, MCC is S. aureus)
    Sub- acute endocarditis (low grade fever, MCC is Strep viridans)
    Marantic endocarditis
    Culture Negative Endocarditis
    SLE Endocarditis

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August 5th 2010