
  • Facts:
    Prognosis is related to depth of invasion
    Will metastasize to the weirdest places

    No evidence that SPF sunscreen is protective against melanoma (however, protective for SCC and BCC)
  • Diagnosis:
    With excisional biopsy
    Positive S-100 tumor marker
  • Treatment:
    INF alpha 2b (may help)
  • Pneumonic:

    irregular Borders
    Color change
    increasing Diameter
    E levation (benign is flat)
    E nlargement
  • Notes:
    Superficial spreading has the best prognosis
    Nodular melanoma has the worst prognosis
    Acrolentiginous type (in african americans)-look for black dots on palms/soles or underneath finger nails

  • Risk Factors:
    Recently changed mole
  • Keywords:
    michelle menaker

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January 11th 2013