Bartter's syndrome

  • Facts:
    Defective sodium reabsorption in thick ascending loop of Henle (TALH)

    Hypovolemia activates renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system and subsequent increased flow to distal tubule causes increased potassium and hydrogen ion secretion

    Together, leads to hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis
  • History / PE:
    Polydipsia, polyuria
    Growth abnormalities
  • Diagnosis:
    Normotensive, hypokalemic, metabolic alkalosis (classic)
    Urine chloride concentration > 20 mEq/L
  • See Also:
    Renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system
    Primary hyperaldosteronism (low PRA, high PA, HTN)
  • Differential Diagnosis:
    Hypokalemic, alkalotic, NORMOtensive disorders
    1) Surreptitious vomiting (low urine chloride)
    2) Diuretic abuse
    3) Gitelman's syndrome (inherited defect in DCT, increased urine chloride)

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August 5th 2010