Benign prostatic hypertropy BPH

Benign prostatic hypertropy
  • Facts:
    Enlargement of the prostate
    > 80% of men have BPH by age 80
    BPH MC occurs in central (periurethral) zone of the prostate
  • History / PE:
    Obstructive symptoms (hestitancy, weak stream, incomplete emptying, bladder fullness)
    Irritative symptoms (nocturia, urge incontinence )
    Firm, smooth prostate on DRE
  • Diagnosis:
    Enlarged, smooth, firm prostate (DRE)
    UA and urine culture (rule out UTIs)
    Abdominal U/S (assess for hydronephrosis )
  • Treatment:
    Alpha blockers (eg. terazosin )
    5-alpha-reductase inhibitors (eg. finasteride )
    TURP or open prostatectomy for moderate to severe symptoms
  • Complications:
    Urinary retention
    Recurrent UTIs
  • Differential Diagnosis:
    1) Prostate cancer (unlikely to present with urinary symptoms because cancer starts from the peripheral part of the prostate)
    2) Urinary tract infection

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August 3rd 2010