Ankylosing spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitisAnkylosing spondylitis
  • Facts:
    Chronic inflammatory disease of pelvis and spine
    Causes sacroilitis, leading to fusion of affected joints
  • History / PE:
    Intermittent hip pain
    LBP worse in mornings, improves with activity
    Enthesitis (pain where tendons/ligaments attach to bone)
    Anterior uveitis
    Heart block
  • Diagnosis:
    Positive HLA-B27 in 85-95% of cases
    Negative RF, ANA
    Radiographs show fused sacroiliac joints ("bamboo sign")
    ESR or CRP increased in 75% of cases
  • Treatment:
    TNF inhibitors or sulfasalazine
  • Complications:
    Chronic AS can lead to increased risk of vertebral fractures
  • See Also:
    Seronegative spondyloarthropathy
  • Associated With:
    Restrictive lung disease (fusion of costovertebral joints)
  • Differential Diagnosis:
    Reactive arthritis
    Psoriatic arthritis
    Enteropathic spondylitis

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July 29th 2010