MI complications

  • Facts:
    MCC of death in patients with an acute MI is a complex ventricular arrhythmia

    Acute ischemia creates heterogeneity of conduction in the myocardium

    Areas of partial conduction block form that predispose patient to reentrant arrhythmia ( MC is ventricular fibrillation )
  • Notes:
    Acute pericarditis (first several days)
    Diffuse ST elevation, positional chest pain

    Papillary muscle rupture (3-7 days)
    Severe, acute MR and pulmonary edema

    Ventricular wall rupture (5 days)
    Acute, pericardial tamponade with pulseless electrical activity

    Interventricular wall rupture (5 days)
    Acute L to R shunt with R sided heart failure

    Ventricular aneurysm (days to months)
    Persistent ST elevations, MR, CHF symptoms

    Dressler's syndrome (weeks to months)
    Immune mediated pericarditis
  • See Also:
    Acute coronary syndrome

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July 24th 2010