Hemolytic anemia Normocytic

  • Facts:
    Bone marrow production is unable to compensate for increased destruction of circulating blood cells
  • History / PE:
    Pallor, fatigue
    Tachycardia, tachypnea
  • Diagnosis:
    Elevated reticulocyte count
    High LDH
    Elevated indirect bilirubin
    Decreased haptoglobin levels
    COOMBS' test (autoimmune hemolysis)
  • Treatment:
    Iron supplementation
  • Differential Diagnosis:
    1) G6PD deficiency (increased RBC sensitivity to stress) and pyruvate kinase deficiency

    2) Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (increased sensitivity to complement activation)

    3) Hereditary spherocytosis

    4) Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (eg. CLL, Non- hodgkin's lymphoma , EBV infection, mycoplasmal infection, rheumatoid disease, or medications)

    5) Sickle cell disease

    6) Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (TTP, HUS, DIC)

    7) Mechanical hemolysis (mechanical heart valves)

    8) Other (eg. malaria , hypersplenism)

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August 2nd 2010